Our vision is to establish Praise & Worship in the hearts and lives of people as a means to drawing men and women from all nations to the saving knowledge of the grace and mercy of God through faith in Jesus Christ.  Psalm 22:3/John 4:23/ Acts 16:25-37/ Psalm 34:1-3


Winners House of Praise is burdened to:

  1. Diligently strive to win lost souls from condemnation to salvation through faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ. Mark 16:15/ Acts 1:8
  2. Nurture God's children to a deeper understanding of the awesome power of praise & worship as a way of life, and as a channel through which to access the power of God because God inhabits in the praises of His people. Psalm 22:3/ Acts 16:25-26
  3. Help the children of God to cultivate and deepen a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through a deeper understanding of God's Word and a life of regular prayer and communion with Him. 1 Timothy 2:3-4 & 8
  4. Reach out to and assist the homeless and the needy, and to help them build a sense of self worth in ways that will help them experience the love of God. Acts 20:35
  5. Preach the unadulterated word of God, lifting up Jesus Christ as The KING of kings and THE LORD of lords, and as the way, the truth and the life. Matthew 28:19/ John 14
  6. Challenge each believer to lead a holy and consecrated life as a testimony to the transforming power of the gospel and in gratitude to the grace and mercy of God manifested through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. 1 Thessalonians 4:7/ 1 Peter 1:16
  7. Build unity among God's children and help them live a life of faith and hope in the Sovereign God of the universe. Psalm 133:1


The following steps will be taken to help us accomplish our mission:

  1. Encourage evangelism as a vital part of the Christian life as well as participation in church-wide evangelistic outreach programs.
  2. Encourage regular attendance at Bible Study Sessions in order to grow, both in the Word and the Christian walk.
  3. Encourage the development of a consistent prayer life by regular attendance at prayer meetings.
  4. Encourage regular church attendance as a way of growing in fellowship with other believers.
  5. Establish a ministry with a plan to reach out to and meet the needs of the needy.
  6. Encourage fruitful networking among church members.