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Impact Of Money In Ministry

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. I trust this note meets you good faith and encourage you and bless you.
My family and I are doing wonderfully well by the amazing grace of God. Even though we are miles apart, we are very close in the spirit.
John 6:1-8
The presence or absence of money did not limit Jesus’ ministry,  therefore, it will not limit Glorious Winners.
Don’t let money hinder your impact in ministry. Have faith like Jesus did.
He had faith to overrule the negative effects of the absence of money in His ministry.
Exercise your God given faith. Believe in your calling and who called you and His anointing.
Nevertheless, His life shows that money does have an influence on business, family and ministry.
Money has an impact on ministers, those they minister to and the environment, making it a necessity for any human endeavor.
Matthew 17:24-27.
A ministry that makes impact is one that accomplishes its purpose and meets the needs of the poor.
It produces spiritual results and solves practical problems in the community and beyond.
A Church that takes tithe and offering and does not help the poor and needy is a fraud.
Let us therefore strive very hard to the calling, gifting and anointing.
Acts 4:32-37.
May the Lord help us in this trying times to show the amazing love of God through Christ Jesus our Lord.
This pandemic will end and no one will be missing among us.
God bless and keep you.
Keep the Faith.
Apostle Nat Awuni.

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